Networking using social media involves the use of internet-based social media sites to maintain contact with family, colleagues, friends or clients. The purposes can vary, it could be business or social. Examples of such sites may include Instagram, Twitter and Facebook…

The Personal professional networking model figured in the an  article shows that individuals are motivated to participate in networked publics as they see it as an opportunity to build new contacts and when those are maintained, it can potentially activate great results. (Ragagopal, Joosten–ten Brinke, Bruggen and Sloep, 2012)

As well as rewards, there are also risks of public communications. I believe that in his article Social and Surveillance, Boyd highlights a very important point that “what we share about ourselves tells heaps about other people”. Often, we unconsciously include information about other people and this is a breach of their privacy. (Boyd)

Information that we share on the different networks can easily be subject to a variety of interpretations. For example, sometimes only part of an information is extracted and this section is then reused to give a different interpretation.

Personal linking network is becoming increasingly prevalent especially after the pandemic.