It can be quite challenging to build a reputation and trust in a connected culture but it is definitely achievable if you follow the right path. With regards to dynamism, you need to know if the individuals in the network that you want to follow are full of energy, vitality, and enthusiasm. Are they constantly seeking new opportunities, experiences, and challenges? Are they willing to take risks in order to achieve their goals?

Concerning reliability, you want to be sure that you are aware of the organizations that the individuals that you follow work in and the type of network that they follow.

In terms of participatory, you would want to follow individuals who are actively posting and engaged in what they do. In addition, you should consider whether they follow useful and relevant network and if they contribute to other peoples posts.

I believe that it is great to help one another. I leverage healthy relationships from my PLN by proactively participating in discussions with my seniors or mentors. I share relevant and helpful thoughts even if the discussion is not necessarily directly related to a topic of my interest.

Prior to engaging in a social media campaign, you should consider connecting with individuals are interested in the same topic of interests as your campaign. You should communicate your concerns and try to find out whether they have similar  opinions as you on the topic.