Social media uses various ways to engage people, it is visual and auditory, and we have access to a lot of information through this platform.

However, social media can challenge communications as sometimes information is manipulated. There have been so many cases of deep fake and circulation of false videos or written materials. Sometimes these are done so professionally that viewers will believe the information that is shared without a single doubt.

Social media tend to be inclusive because anyone can communicate through this medium. People from all over the world can post, access and share information that is on social media.

My PLN often highlights the view of others, if I like a post on Facebook, I will hit like to let the creator of the video know that I enjoyed the post. Sometimes, if I think it is useful to others I will even share the post to others who I think will be interested about this topic.

When it comes to policies of employer, the code of conduct has to be respected, one has to be conscious about what is being shared online, one should be cautious not to refer to your employment.

To build my PLN, I choose some people or organisations that I find interesting and I follow them. They often share information on their profile, which could be of interest to me. Then I follow those new people as we share the same interests and I add them to my PLN.