Inclusion plays an important role in the education system, British Columbia’s vision is “to provide inclusive and responsive learning environments that recognize the value of diversity and provide equity of access, opportunity and outcome for all students including students with disabilities and diverse abilities” (BC government).

Teachers cater for all students by diversifying the learning material, by taking into consideration students’ needs, by facilitating participation and building a rapport with every student. Educators ensure that students feel a sense of belonging by creating a welcoming and safe environment, focussing on increasing and maintaining students’ motivation and encouraging participation.

As Moore stated in her book, I agree that students should be given the option to learn, for example “to choose to work in the hallway, in the library, at desks or at tables – the more choices the better” and this variety help students to become more successful. (Moore, 2016, p.27).

Social media plays an important role in increasing my knowledge and developing my practice as a teacher. For example, I joined several Facebook groups that talks about teaching and learning. These groups are regional, national and international, of different school types and of different age groups. I believe that as educators we can all benefit from learning from one another; the more diverse the group the better, we learn more from people from different backgrounds, abilities, views and experiences. Thus, we can better support our learners.

Social media is such as important tool for our development and our contribution to our society and the world; it helps us to connect with individuals from all around the world. Furthermore, there are variety of social media platforms that we can benefit from, for example: we can use YouTube, which is a great audio-visual learning medium, and we can share our ideas, tips and strategies with the creator of the video as well as with other viewers; learning from one another.

BC . “Inclusive Education Resources.” British Columbia, 31 Jan. 2022, Accessed 16 Jun. 2023.

Moore, Shelly . One Without the Other : Stories of Unity Through Diversity and InclusionPortage and Main Press, 2016.