Media Literacy is the ability to recognise varied types of media and to recognize the message they are trying to communicate. We have a variety of media such as TV, radio, social media, advertising and so on. One of the things that they have in common is that someone created it for a reason and as receivers of these information, we need to try to understand their reason. In our digital age, anyone is free to create anything. We need to understand who and why they created this piece of media. Can we trust this source? Media literacy helps us to think critically, to become informed consumers of information, recognize different points of views and understand authors’ aim. It is advisable to be open to varied views in your PLN as it allows you to see things from different angles to develop a better knowledge; to see strengths and weaknesses on different things. However, one has to be careful and be sure whether the information that has been shared is factual or is it merely based on opinions. It is important to analyze any information critically; asking yourself whether the claims are being supported by evidence? Media literacy open discussions can create conflicts are they may cause debates as to which information is factual and what is not factual and how can this be determined. The initial source of certain information may have been changed completely in the process of sharing on multiple occasions. It is beneficial to have a PLN that values media literacy because you want to be sure about information that are being shared by individuals in your PLN.
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