(487) Social Media And Self-Image – YouTube
Interactive learning is becoming very common in modern education. It has several benefits; for example, learning is more engaging, collaborative, hands-on, flexible and it can offer different learning styles to the learners.
What kind of interaction would the video require from your students? Does it force them to respond in some way (inherent)?
For this task, I will use the behaviourist approach; it is “inherently interactive, as it forces learners to respond” (Bates, 2019).
I will use H5P.com to include certain activities such as comprehension questions; learner to materials interaction. The video will be paused at several points and students will need to answer certain questions in order to be able to watch the rest of the video.
What activity could you suggest that they do after they have watched the video (designed)? What type of knowledge or skill would that activity help develop? What medium or technology would students use to do the activity?
For the designed interaction, students will have to complete certain tasks after watching the video, therefore they will use their own initiative to make notes and actively watch the video knowing that they will have follow up activities to complete based on the video.
Firstly, students summarize the keys points of the video and talk about a similar experience that they have heard or find another resource that relates to this topic. They will be able to choose their own learning style; they can present their work through a short paragraph or a video.
Secondly, students will write a blog following some prompts that will be provided to them. They will need to comment on two other classmates’ posts and add a link in their post. During this learner-to-learner interactive activity, students develop their communication skills and work collaboratively with other classmates.
How would students get feedback on the activity that you set? What medium or technology would they and/or you use for getting and giving feedback on their activity?
For the H5P comprehension questions, students will receive instant feedback. They will have the opportunity to attempt the questions several times.
Students will create their blog on WordPress. They will receive comments from the instructor and as well as theirs peers on WordPress itself.
How could the video have been designed to generate more or better activity from viewers or students?
Perhaps, at the beginning of the video, the creator of the video could have included a reflection question that will prompt viewers to start thinking about the content of the video before watching it. Furthermore, there could have been a little pose before the interlocutor’s answers or responses. Thus, prompting the viewers to think about the question as if they were asked to them.
I think that my peer wrote an interesting sentence in her blog https://esltechnician.opened.ca/.
“The purpose of this discussion would be have learners look within, introspect and evaluate their present day beliefs and ideas”. The discussion would provide learners with the opportunity to do some self-reflection. This is a great way to make learning more meaningful to the learners as they are able to connect with what they are learning.
Peer review for Blog 4

Bates, A.W (Tony). Teaching in a Digital Age – Second Edition. Pressbooks, 2018.
“Social Media And Self-Image.” YouTube, uploaded by Amaze Org, 11 Nov. 2021, www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9N6k3nfwao.
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