Module 2 Learning Activity: Mapping your Learning Network

This is my network map during a week. The relationship with all individuals are professional. All my courses are online, hence; my interactions are digital only. I have recorded the frequency that each activity occur on the sheet itself; for example x4 = this activity occurs four times. I have also specified if the connection is one way or two way.

My observations and reflections of my network map:

-Every course has some use of technology, especially because these are online courses. I have discovered many new learning environment and tools such as Mattermost, Discord, Padlet in these courses. At the beginning, they seemed quite tricky to use but with the help of my peers, I have been able to use those successfully.

-I was quite surprised to see how varied the networking of the courses were from one another. Some courses were more connected than others; requiring two way connection.

– One of the things that is in common is that in every single course I have to interact with my peers, either to have discussions or complete group projects. I really enjoy this part, especially because the courses are online. Often in online courses, you tend to feel isolated but luckily, this is not the case with these courses.  I like learning with peers as we connect with classmates, collaborate and work collectively.

– The courses are asynchronous but some of the group work we have to complete synchronously.

I chose this activity as it helps me analyse the way the courses I am taking run, how often we are connected with teachers and peers and what are the different ways in which we are connected. This task helped me to analyse my own practice and consider the changes I would consider making so that my learners can have a variety of ways in which they can interact with their peers and me.